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Dear God

Please help me though this lonely dark time. I ask that you bring the man I love back to me. I know we both have done many things wrong but you know his heart has turned hardened and cold form any truths. I ask that even though you let us operate in free will that you will intercede for him in this area of his life. He has found anger and cruelty to be pleasurable or a way to protect ones self from getting hurt. I ask that you show him the light no matter how small because I know he is not ready to let go on his own but that only you have the power and tools to step in and soften his heart once more. I ask that you show him what hurt pride can cause and that there is another way. I know you say that we must come to you but I ask that for this case could you come to him tell him of your love again and forgiveness even though he says he needs no one. Please God you are our only hope in this matter I pray for myself that your answer will be yes and not no or wait. I feel so alone and I can’t hear any answer from you. Ive helped make this mess please help me clean it up.

Prayer published on July 17, 2011 , by an anonymous person

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