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Feeling Like I’ve Been Defeated

Dear God,

I’ve taken many risks to help create a better life for my family and have failed over the last couple of years. I have a wonderful family and friends and I thank you so much for that.

God, I need your help and guidance more than ever as I have put myself and my family on a serious financial bind. God, its said that everything happens for a reason and its Gods plan.

I have learned so much from these struggles over the past couple of years and I beg you to show me the way. I’m 100% faithful to your command and believe that with your guidance, this will come to pass very soon and things will work out good for my family and I.

Thank you God!


GoodI need your help!

Prayer published on February 15, 2015 , by an anonymous person

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  1. A friend February 20 - 2:08 am

    You are never alone… Jesus is standing with you…

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