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Prayers: The Desperate & Needy

Dear God,

I had this teacher a long time ago who I could not stand.  She was so mean, yet she taught me so much.  She told me one day in 6th grade that if you truly want something from God, you must come last.  She said “If you want God to listen to you, ask him to help others first.” God, you know I need your help, for many many reasons.

As time has gone on I kind of believed that you just left us here to fight over our turmoils and desperate needs, but as I continue to search my soul, my God, I believe you can be found in each and every human soul. I know you are here, so I ask you to give us the strength to help the needy and provide guidance to help those who are less fortunate.  God, provide us the wisdom to know the things we can change, and the ability to change our hearts.

Christianity used to be about caring about our brothers and sisters no matter what religion, background, race, or creed.  We have forgotten the story of the Good Samaritan and the parables of Christ, so Lord, help us remember those stories too.  Guide us in your light, and lead us to redemption, for yours is the kingdom and glory.

Tunkasila (Creator), help us to become one with your Earth, not separate or above your creations.  For in order to know you, we must know your hands and feet, your heart and soul.  Lord, help us to protect your creations, all of them.

In your name I pray. AMEN


Prayer published on February 27, 2013 , by an anonymous person

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