Dear God
I feel so guilty for running to You only now.
I have sinned and I have sinned again and now I am scared, Our country is in trouble, with all this hate going around. I am scared for my family. Please protect us and be with us. please forgive all our trespasses and forgive me for calling to you only now!
I cannot see how we will survive without you! Be with my kids and please keep them safe.
I am scared, please give me strength to fight when I need to and back down when I don’t have to.
South Africa needs Your wisdom!
Our Farther Who are in Heaven
Holy be Your Name. Your kingdom come and let Your Will be done.
Please forgive us our trespasses and help us to forgive those who have trespased against us. Be with us as we walk thru the valley of death and deliver us from evil.
For You alone have the Power and Glory
Forever and ever