Oh lord what do I do?
Lord I turn to you in complete surrender. I have no one else but you to turn to, help me find you again. Come into my life that I might continue to live. I come to you in pain as my dying wife is leaving me. My granddaughters and my wife, my dog and two cats are all leaving me and I am so alone. Please come back into my life so that I can still live. Without you I am nothing. Forgive me for not getting down on my knees and asking your forgiveness as I should have. Join with me NOW I beg you. Help me in my time of trial. Comfort me in your loving arms. Heal me father. Take the pain away. I feel so empty Lord. Direct my footsteps that so that I can find you again. I am knocking please let me in. I have never been in so much absolute pain in my life. I know you gave your son for me personally so that his blood would cover my sins in your sight. I ask you NOW to help me.