Dear God,
I thank you for dying on the cross for me. I thank you for taking my place on that cross. I know that it should’ve been us who were crucified on that cross. But because you loved us soo much, you took the blame and you paid the price.
I thank for being there for me every single day of my life. I know that my praises are a million miles away from what you really deserve. But here’s my life, take it and use it as a testimony of your love.
I know that no matter what I do, it will never be enough to pay back how much you have done for me in my life. Thank you for being a wonderful Father to me 🙂 Not once have you failed me.
So during this Holy week, I thank you for dying on the cross for me 🙂 & like the song says, “I’ll never know how much it costs, to see my sin upon that cross.”
I love you 🙂