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Dear God,

I’ve been trying too hard. Some people even misinterpret me. They said I’m trying too hard to prove something that I’m not. I’m sick and tired of other people judging me. I want to prove them wrong but it’s hard. I admit that sometimes I forget to say my prayers at night. I’m really sorry. But I know that You can fix anything and everything. At times that I don’t have anyone to count on, I come to Your angelic shoulder. I know I made a lot of mistakes. And I’m really really sorry about it. The problem is, other people just don’t know how to forgive and forget. I know it’s hard. But why don’t they just give me another chance? I know I made a mistake and I can prove that I can change. They don’t need to scream into my face saying those rude words. I know no one will understand what I feel except for you. And thank you for every single blessing you gave. I know you made “mistakes” for us to learn. “We really learn the best lessons from the worst mistakes.” Thank you so much. In this we pray, AMEN

Prayer published on February 2, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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