dear papa.
I know he is out there, that special man who you have been speaking tenderly too. I know that he is going to be a creative man, a man after your heart. I know you have set him apart and your plan for his life is big and beautiful. I know he’ll come along soon and he’ll be all I asked for and more. I know you will always keep our eyes fixed on you, that all of our days we will live to honor and worship you. I know he is going to be a worshipper God. I know he is going to captivate me and call me beautiful every day. I know that no matter what we go through, we’ll be together and we will get through it with your strength. I know you are going to use us to glorify your kingdom. God, I know he is out there, I know you’re preparing him for me. Help me to be patient and kind and gentle, I believe in you and I know you are worthy of all the praise. Thank you for making him in your image. I pray that you would bless him and keep him, that you would remind him that you are preparing me for him. I love you Papa, and I know you love me too.