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Dearest Lord God,

You are my heart, You are my soul, You are everything i believe and stand for, and most of all you are LOVE, i pray that i find a love close to my love for yours, but Lord you are first, and i don’t pray just for desire,but because i know that i have to meet you halfway, i know that you want me to experience and be happy , i don’t deserve anything your the one that deserves everything you are always the answers to my prayer and what i half not necessarily fallback on but build my foundation on always and forever, you are something that will get me out of the darkest and most gloomiest lonely mood ever. I pray that my love will put you at the center and that we pray together,eat supper together, live together, do things you would want! Where is my love?

Prayer published on December 29, 2009 , by an anonymous person

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