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Dearest God,

I need You so very much right now. I need Your help. I need Your guidance. I need simply and only You. You see, I can’t seem to think for myself lately! I’m so easily convinced of things! Anything that comes from a figure of “authority” I just accept! Without rhyme or reason! And, without consulting your perfect wisdom and your unquestionable truth! It’s horrible, God. It’s destroying my life. I need to know that you’re there for me, to help me find my way. Always.

Tell me again how Jonah survived in the whale’s belly! Tell me again what a rainbow means! Tell me again how you created it all from nothing in less than a week! Tell me again so that I can be satisfied by your word. Knowing that you said it is enough.

In the name of your Son, who, according to your infallible word, died on a cross for my sins,


Prayer published on November 10, 2009 , by an anonymous person

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