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Dear God,
You have blessed me so greatly,and I am thankful.
I am praying for help with dealing with the fallout of the loss of my dear loved one, financial bottom and forgiveness of loved ones, who are not as openhearted as I have needed them to be. I am lost and long-time-confused while staying rock-strong for my family and yearn for answers and guidance. I need peace and rest…it has been too long, and I’m truly exhausted. Help. Please. Soon.


Prayer published on February 17, 2015 , by an anonymous person

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  1. Don February 19 - 8:04 pm

    It’s always hardest to lead when things are tough. You are standing strong and are doing right by leaning on God. Keep your faith, hold on to your goodness and try to find the best in each person you have to interact with in this tough time. God is listening and He loves you! Thank you for being you…

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