Dear God,
Is the world ending? I don’t want the world to end. I like my life and have things planned. I know though when you have things planned they never go the way you imagine. Its scary the stuff that goes on in the world. I pray for Japan and all the people there, i pray all survivors will be found and saved, please rest on the land and with the people. I know theres more to life than the mundane drill of 9-5. i know i have to do that in order to survive but i know theres more to tap in to, please show it to me. Take fear away from my life and the lives of others and i pray we will all live in peace. Please take away the fears in my heart. I say thank you for my life, please help me to live it to the full. Please give me energy everyday and energy to others who need it. I pray love and beauty will grow in me, mylife, my relationships and in others.