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Peace, Faith, Hope and Mercy

Dear God

First Father in Heaven,

Thank you for prayer. Thank you for a place to post a prayer and to be able to pray for others. Lord, you know that I love you and I depend desperately on you, lately, Lord I just don’t know where you are??? You covered me with your Light on the night of June 13, 2010 and on June 14th, you protected me from the worst disaster of my life; losing my father, Lord, you know he was my best friend and everything to me, but Lord, you helped me take that blow and carry out the next mission and plan you had in my life. Lord, you know all things, and you knew that you needed my dad to make me promise to care for Auntie in her old age. Father, you know she couldn’t take the grief and passed two months after daddy. Father, all the drama and hate I encountered after that it was so painful. Then father several other family passed away suddenly. This has been such a season of loss and pain. It feels like a season of Hell. Father, now I need to know what you want for my life. My life has been tossed and turned as I have stood faithfully in obedience to you. I have given it all up, watched as others have selfishly skipped on by. Lord, your voice has grown silent and all I feel and see is darkness and emptiness. Dear God, where are you? When does my life begin? You said it is better to obey than to sacrifice. Lord, I have done both. Please, Lord, hear my cry. 

Prayer published on December 18, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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