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dear father

I dont know what to do. Please help to find the wisdom i need for myself. This problem that I have hurts all of us. I have a bestfriend that i truely love, but at the same time he has a girlfriend, i do like him in all, but im not going to do anything about it, I love talkin to him, but it seems that every time I talk to him there becomes problems between them. I feel that its my fault that they fight and they go on the verge of breaking up. I know they rly love each other and they are so afraid upon losing one another, thats why it hurts me when his hurting upon their problems. As much as I want him, i want their happyness, and as much as I want her happynes, ive already tryed to avoid and leave him, but its hard on me too, Its not as simple as it seems. Its hard that its hurting all of us, so please father, please help all of us to do whats right, help ease the pain all of us feel, and if things are ment to be for each person then help us learn what you want for us, help us to hear you father with what you planed, thank you for giving me both of them. I love them both so much as well as all my friends and family, thank you for blessing me of them and you as well, i love you so much father, thank you for always being there for me,

Amen <3

Prayer published on June 13, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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