A Simple Apology
Dear God,
The words “I’m sorry” don’t seem to suffice the situation. I have walked away from our union. I turned my back on you and demanded a divorce. I asked that we remain friends if you can even call it that. I was abusive in the way that I expected you to fulfill my every fancy but ask for nothing from me in return. I had hoped to go on living my life without ever giving you another thought. It has been impossible. Every day revolves around you. I hear your name whispered from the lips of my friends and family. I see you in my dreams, you encase my every thought. I have known all along what I have been missing. I was afraid of what my life could become with you. I was afraid of just how high I could soar with you. I hope that you will take me back, that I can somehow reconcile our marriage. I will strive to be the kind of woman that you have created me to be. All I have to offer is myself, so that is what I will give. My heart is yours. I only hope that you find me worthy of your grace and forgiveness. I offer you my love, and hope to feel yours once again.