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At Wits Ends

Dear God…..
I write because I am at wits end…..I am against the wall with very to no little oxygen to breathe.  I know that I have not been the perfect father, son, man, worker, but needless to say there is no evil bone in my body only bad decisions and judgements.  I am begging you for help, I am begging you to please give me the strength to keep going on with life.  My soon to be ex wife is taking more than half of my monthly wages, she left me behind with approximately 60 thousand dollars worth of credit card debt and two car payments.  Our marriage was far from perfect and by no means do I blame it all on her…but blame myself as well.  We both destroyed our marriage and at the end there was a lot of disrespect and for my part I ask for forgiveness.  I decided to leave the marriage because I did not love her any more.  Now I am the bad guy, shes built me  up to be this monster and only you know that I am not.  I know I am not perfect and have made bad decisions in the past and present but please guide me in the right direction.  Please help me God…I am lost and your son needs your guidance.  I don’t know what to do or say anymore.  The only thing that keeps me going are my two daughters…..Please open my eyes and show me who I should trust around me and who has good intentions…. please God help me…sometimes I feel like my world is going to collapse….. I am desperate need of your guidance and I have faith in you and I will be patient an await for your direction.  
Mando.  C

Prayer published on December 25, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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