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2238 prayers have been heard submit yours now

Dear God, LOL. I see what you did there.

dear god.

I don’t know if I’m talking to the right dude or who exactly is in charge up there but who ever it is, this is for you. I’d like to start by asking you why you have taken some of the people that mean the most away from me ? I’d also like to know why…

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Dear God…

I know I haven’t really been myself truly lately… I don’t understand high school much though it’s only been about 4 months since the start of school and I found friends come and go, but You stay the same. I pray that you can help me understand what I don’t right now. I love you…

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Hey God, it’s me again. I’d just like to thank you again for watching over my friends and family and that you continue to do so. I do hope that things work out for everyone and that we can be at ease when times get rough. And I pray for the day when more people…

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hey big guy. i miss you alot lately…i know your always here i just dont always see you but i want to start seeing you more. im so thankful for all the things you have given me. i just cant seem to grasp why you take things away. like liv why’d she have to leave…

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Dear God

Sometimes I feel as thou you have forgotten about me, but I know you havent.You have a plan for each child. I hope things get brighter:)

Papa God, hello it’s me again. I guess i’m way better now than yesterday. Today, I realized that if i want them to love and accept me, i should be able to open my heart and be able to understand the realities of life. Sometimes we get disappointed and felt betrayed by the people we…

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Dear God

There are so many questions I have for you with so very few answers.  I know you answer all questions, probably just not in the way I want you to.  Help me to recognize them. It’s been 3 months since you have welcomed her to your kingdom.  Please take good care of her.  I miss her…

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dear pappa.

i’m sorry for hurting my family, please forgive me.

So what could I say, and what could I do? But offer this heart O God completely to you. The Stand – Hillsong United

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