Prayer Platform & Community

2238 prayers have been heard submit yours now

Lord, Please help me. Amen.

by oohlalala

Dear God, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight all the days of my life.

by oohlalala

My dearest Jesus Christ

On Sunday I will be leaving my home to start my college life, and I know you will be there guiding me through the tough times, and helping me make the better choices. I just want to thank you ahead of time. I love you. Janet


why am i so different?

Dear God,

lovethepaparazzi: I wrote this letter because I need you right now. Please, tell me if I should feel this way. Tell me if no one really cares about me anymore. Tell me if I what I know and believe is really true. Because I can see what`s happening now. I can see what`s really there…

Open This Prayer

please would you pray for my abdominal scan on thursday? anonymous please.

God, Help me.  Keep me strong, give me the motivation I need, and don’t let this fake…robotic world get in my way.

hchristian: (via thresca)

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