Daddy, there’s nothing I can do anymore. her heart is so ready but satan is doing everything in his power to stop her from running into your arms. She wants to, I can see it every time I look at her. She knows you’re there, but she’s bound by the chains of fear and depression….
With all my heart With all my soul I live to worship you and praise forevermore Praise Forever more. Lord everyday I need more, on wings of heaven I will soar with you..
I thank you for dying on the cross for me. I thank you for taking my place on that cross. I know that it should’ve been us who were crucified on that cross. But because you loved us soo much, you took the blame and you paid the price. I thank for being there for…
Thank you Lord for everything! You have been there for me through thick and thin. And not once you abandoned me. You believe in me when no one else does. You made me stronger each day. No words can explain how wonderful Your Almighty works are. You are a Great God! Praise to You, Lord…
I know You know what my brother has done. It breaks my heart to come to the reality of it. I feel so betrayed, so disappointed. But God, I just ask that you let me forgive him. I don’t want to, but if I don’t I’m carrying a burden that will stick with me forever….
I praise You for all that you’ve done. I praise you for my family. Thank you for entrusting me to people who will love me, accept and embrace my everything including my shortcomings, weaknesses, and flaws. Truly, you are awesome, dear God. 🙂
Please help my family in our time of need. My dad is struggling, he says his life is becoming too hard for him. please help him realize he’s not facing this alone. Help him realize there’s people out there loving him and for him to stay strong as he faces the problems he does and…
Thank you for answering my prayers. You have been so good. And you are still so good. I’m really very thankful. I love you, Lord. 🙂
Lord, help all of these people remember that you’re not only here in times of nothingness but also when you’re mighty works are evident within their lives. You’re constant and I pray that you remind them that you’re here regardless. You want to spend each waking minute with us. You don’t want to be secondary,…