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Dear God,

Lord, I come before you humbly asking for your forgiveness of my sins. I ask that you send your Holy Spirit to come upon me and my family and friends, cleansing us from the top of our heads to the soles of our feets, inwards and outwards the four corners of our bodies. Father, I want to thank you for your many blessings you’ve continued to bless me with.

Father, I want to thank you for that one special relationship I have in my life. Without your guidance and blessings in disguises, I wouldn’t have come upon such a wonderful blessing. I thank you everyday for it, and I will continue to do so. I pray Father that you strengthen that relationship, that the love we have grows stronger and stronger everyday, and at the same time helping us remind you that you are the one and only God in our lives, no if’s, and’s or but’s. I pray that you keep us in Your path, and that you continue to bless our families as well, keep us strong, even through the tough times.

I pray that you get me through this day. Be with me every step of the way, and help me go into today’s events with an endless amount of confidence, in myself and in You. I pray that whatever happens, is a part of your plan and what you already have set for me. But at the same time I pray for the knowledge I need to know to do good on these tests I will take. I pray Father, that you be with me every step of the way, send your Holy Spirit to clear the way so that everything goes smoothly and that I do good, after all the hard work I put in this past term.

I pray Father, that you continue to guide me and be with me every step I take in your plans. Once again, I ask for your blessing of strengthening of that relationship and I ask Father that you love me for me, and no one else.

I love you Lord, and I ask all of this in your son Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Prayer published on June 8, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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