Dear God,
there’s a song that goes “help me believe I am what you see—-You see me victorious, You see me faithful, You see me believing that You are able, You see me rejoicing that I survived—help me to see me the way You see me” And Lord that’s exactly what I need…I hate what I see when I look in the mirror…inside and out…I wanna truly believe that I am wonderfully and fearfully made and that I am beautiful inside and out. Instead of the constant self-hatred, and all the tears, and nitpicking at every imperfection. I’ve come to a place where I literally hate every inch of me, and I try to stop but I feel shackled in the place. I want to tell my family and friends, but I don’t want to keep burdening them with this. It’s been 6 long years of this, and Lord I’m tired of crying I’m tired of hating myself, I’m tired of feeling this way. Please help me to accept myself as I am right now and love myself so I can love others better and finally be happy and free, not a prisoner in this skin or the thoughts in mind. Change my perception Lord, and help me to see not just beauty in me but everything. Amen.