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Dear God,

Dear Gid

As I go to sleep thinking about whatever it may be, I pray that you continue to bless me in my life and the people in it. I pray that even if I didn’t open a word today, that you will continue to guide me and be with me every where I go, and everything that I do. I pray Lord that you keep me in your path, even with the choices I may make. Because Lord, you know what those choices may be, before I even make any of them. It’s because of You and the plans you have set for me that I am where I am today, and I am forever grateful for that. 

Father, I pray that you continue to strengthen that one relationship/friendship that I’ve consistently prayed about. I pray that I may not be as “obsessed” as much as I am right now, and help me to know that everything that is going on is a part of your plans. This person is forever one of the greatest blessings I’ve had, and it’s because of You I came across this person. So I ask that you continue to watch over their family and their life as well. Bless the love we have for each other, and strengthen it as well. Bless their family and friends as well. I love you Lord.

So Father God, I pray that you minister to me and that person as we go to sleep. I pray for school and that it continues to get better from here. I ask Lord that you bless my family as well, my mom, dad, brother, grandma and all the rest as well. And I know that if I keep you first, which I pray I do, then everything will fall into place.

I ask all of this in your son’s name, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. 

Prayer published on May 16, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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