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Dear God,

Thank you for your blessings and for always being by my side when i needed you the most.  Thank you for making me wake up in the morning knowing that it’s always a special day just for me in your hopes of us making a new friend, making change, or just being happy.  Where no one in this world would know how i feel or could live what I’m living right now cause you made it just for me.  Thank you Lord.  But I’m sorry for every day that i messed up and turned around from which you first made it to be.  I’m sorry for looking the other way at a person when i could’ve made a new friend.  Sorry for refusing to change when i could’ve been someone better.  And sorry for just going to sleep angry.  Please help me to live each day the way you plan it to be Lord.  Help me to not feel insecure and fall for worldly things cause i know you’re with us and that you have a plan for each and every one of us, a plan for hope and a future.  Thanks again Lord.  Love you.  Amen

Prayer published on April 23, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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