Dear God:
Dear God, Where do I start? I have so much to say, ask, and tell you. I feel that even though I go to church every Sunday, I feel like I’m still distanced from you. I want to start off saying, Sorry. why? Because I haven’t acted as if I appreciated everything you have done for me. If you haven’t, I wouldn’t be here today. Sorry, for always say mass is boring,when I should always look forward to it,and always keep your prayers in mind. and Thanks a lot, lord father. You helped me so much, even if I don’t speak to you, in life. You always know what to do to help me,through my life and personal problems. Thanks,because of you, I finally realized that,when things go wrong its just better for me, because you are looking out for me. I question sometimes, GOD WHY ME? I never did anything so wrong. I finally got it. Life isn’t perfect. No one gets what they want in life, whether you like it or not. & I’m here today,to talk to you about how everything has been lately. its fine, its just I feel like my problems seem to never go away. I want to be satisfied just as much as anyone in this world. I miss my dad terribly. Today,someone crossed the line saying my dad deserved to die. Now, I don’t know where your leading me to,lord father. but I’m hoping its a safe decision you’re doing for me. Because of you, I believe in my dad looking over me,and you also. You truly are my BEST FRIEND. I can always tell you anything without being scared of being judge. You always know what to say. Thanks for making me become who I am today. Thanks for making me open up and noticed that I have everyone I need,in my life. I love you,<3 thanks for always protecting me from the good,bad,sadness,and everything. My BESTFRIEND,FATHER,HERO.