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Dear God,

My stepfather is very ill and its looking bad. Honestly I cant say to many nice things about this man, but you know his heart and what hes been through and why he acts as he does. When I first saw you I prayed for you to remove my hatred, my hatred that was built up most in terms and directed towards him and just in general. Im unfairly cruel and judgmental, i retaliate to his immature and lack of parental patience and know how by belittling him just as he does me. God you know that My family needs help, you know that deep down in my heart i would be crushed if anything happened. God he means so much to my mom and siblings. Godgodgoddd, please let this suffering hes going through and my moms going through to have a positive outcome directed towards youre glory. God help him pull through. I know this is the exact oppisite of my normal attitude towards him but God you know me like no other.


Prayer published on July 26, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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