Dear God,
Ay there buddy… long time no actual talk. I’m sorry for brushing You off all the time and shoving you to the back seat. I’d just like to let You know… that i don’t think it’s cool at all too. And it’s ironic because without You in the passenger seat, i absolutely have no idea how to drive my life… not one bit…. not even at all. I keep on making all these wrong moves and turns, and I always just play it off as if ain’t nothin’ happened at all.
I guess it’s just because i’m mad. I’m mad. I’m angry. I’m sad. but most of all, I’m hurt. I’ve been struggling for far too long with the same things. and there’s no one to blame but me… because I let it get the best of me each and every single time by cutting You out of the picture.
But this is where it stops. It ends right now. I’m giving up the pieces of my broken heart and putting it in Your hands, because you’re the greatest doctor I know. I lift my life and everything I am up to You.
Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours,
your little girl ♥