Dear God,
What am I doing to our relationship? What am I doing wrong that I keep falling back onto my addiction even though I know it’ll destroy me? Father God I give praises to you for your mercy and being an all loving God. I praise You for the greatest gift of all, Your son, Christ Jesus, our King and our Saviour, tour only way to heaven and You. Father God I pray that you continually assist me on my battle against my demons and help me find ways to stay clear from them, for they will seperate us by discouraging me. Lord I pray that you pick me up when I fall for me and who i am will keep me down, in Ephesians 4:22-24 ” [T]hrow away your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrputed by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and atttudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God- truly righteous and holy.” Father God I Give my life and my days to You for you have better plans set out for me that are better than my own. Lord help me not extend the past of what I have done but dwell in your presence. Lord help me not excuse the mess, but ask for your mercy. Lord God I pray for the Spirit to soften my heart to take your word in and to provide your strength from the enemy and myself. Father God I pray that you help me head on towards this path and learn from my mistakes so that I know the traps of the evil one and I need to remember that I can only through Jesus your son, our King will help me stand my ground in this corrupt world. Father God Praise you for your love, mercy and Jesus Christ for in your sons Holy name I pray