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Dear God,

My families been in a rough patch financially, and there’s so many things I want to do, to have this summer, that I know I will have to give up. My mom lost her job last week, so it’s been especially tough on us. Lord God I pray that you bless my mom and I with jobs please, there’s seven members of our family, and we just want to make it by, with happiness, and to love and serve you. Everything we offer is to you Lord God, I’m just asking for a little financial help.

Also, please please please grant me patience and humility. Especially patience with my siblings. I feel as if I have failed as an older sister to my brother and sister, and that it’s too late to be a good sister to them because their growing up and they don’t need me anymore. Especially because I’ve been pushing them away. Now that I have another little brother, I pray that I am able to become the sister I was meant to be with him, to show him patience, and care and love. And that I can also save my relationship with my other siblings, because I am truly scared that once we all grow up, we will grow far far apart, and they’ll hold this hatred or anger towards me because I was never there for them. As for humility, allow me to humble my selves for others and remember that it is You that I am serving and you I am working for. Take away my pride, and fill me with you.

God, I know this sounds like a lot, but I’m just truly praying for my family, and that I can be a better sister and person, to my family and friends. Cleanse me and use me. 

Thanks God, I love you.

Prayer published on July 2, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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