dear god.
I don’t know if I’m talking to the right dude or who exactly is in charge up there but who ever it is, this is for you.
I’d like to start by asking you why you have taken some of the people that mean the most away from me ? I’d also like to know why you decided this year four of them would go. At this time I’d like to thank you for putting me through such misery this year because now my skin is thicker and my heart is stronger.
This year was the hardest year and I’ve been extremely positive. I like to think of the ” when one door closes another one opens” theory. The one that means when what bad thing happens one good thing has to happen. It’s worked fairly well for me. So i’d like to thank you for that.
Right now I’m pretty much confused about my entire life and my existence. So if you have any time at all help me find my way. Until then i’ll keep looking.
I’m trying to get this trip to Europe for free so if you could pull some strings that would be awesome but if its not meant to be its also o.k.
Thanks for our very first half black president and first hispanic in the supreme court.
Its kinda cool to have something to look up to while growing up.
Sorry for not always believing in you sometimes. It’s just this world is pretty fucked up and i have a lot of options and I like to keep my options opened. I’m convinced you exist right now I just don’t know who you are. Hopefully i’ll find you soon.
thanks ,