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Dear God,

One year of battling it out with You has brought me to the far reaches of my mind and soul. Running away from you has brought me to very dark places where there was just pure numbness, apathy and hatred. It has brought me to the bottom of my pit where I didn’t know where to go, where I didn’t know why I was still living.

I failed to remember that you are always there. Everywhere. In every moment. The happy, joyful, painful and shameful. You wept for me as I did things to myself which I still find hard to forgive myself for.

What is incredible is You forgave me for these sins a long long time ago. You see in me what I cannot see in myself. You love me for who I am and nothing else.

After that year is now a year of change. Coming back to you has felt like a breath of fresh air. You are indeed my wall, comforter, friend, God, loving arms in time of need and joy and pain.

You have found favor in me and I am glad. You have blessed me with so much that I fail to realize the far reaches of what your power can bring.

Teach me to trust in YOU more and more until I rely COMPLETELY in You.

You are an almighty God.

Prayer published on April 6, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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