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Dear heavenly father,

Help me and guide me. Give me strength to forgive my mom. I know you placed her in my life for a reason and that i have a purpose. Lord i just find it so hard to forgive her. Give me the strength to forgive her i mean how do you forgive someone who cheated on her husband when he was sick and about to die. My whole family suspected she was but just recently i found out she did. I mean after those text messages and pic messages on her phone. How do i forgiver her after something like that it truly is hard lord. I ask for the strength to forgive her and help me lord so that i may do so. I ask that you allow me to let go of all this anger and resentment towards her in my heart so that i may move on and live in you lord. Help me lord i truly need your help lord cause i am lost and don’t kno where to go. Be the light unto my feet lord help me.

Prayer published on February 1, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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