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Dear Lord,

I am really scared about where my life is heading. I’m just starting a job this summer, which is about the only good thing in the near future. I spent the past 6 months trying to get acting jobs, but I have gotten no responses so it seems like no one wants me, which is very discouraging. My grades are slipping (it’s not that bad, except for one C) and my math teacher keeps telling me that I’m “not doing good enough” and other stuff like that that makes me feel terrible. I’ve also had a few dreams lately that are making me question my sexuality, but I’m scared to talk to anybody about it because even though I’m not sure, I wouldn’t want people to start gossiping or discriminating against me. How could I even know about my sexuality for sure? I’ve only had 2 “boyfriends” and my love life doesn’t seem like it’s going to get any better. I know that I’m beautiful, why can’t boys see that? My friends have basically split into 2 groups so every day I have to decide which group to sit with that day and it makes me sick because I love them all and I hate it when they fight like this and I just want things to be like they were last year. I really want to start doing some creative things like filmmaking but I’m afraid that no one will help me and people might say bad things. My parents are fighting too and I think my mom is bipolar. Please make my mom, my dad, and my brother happy. Dear Lord, please give me help and guidance. Please let me know that everything will be okay and that I’ll find my place in life. 

Your humble servant, Gracie

Prayer published on April 27, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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