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Dear Lord,

I was recently inspired by a fellow blogger to reach out to people about getting help for school. You know O Lord what my family has been through and the financial distress we are in. I pray that you bring the right people to my life to help us and that you bring me to the right people as well. Please touch there hearts as they read my letter and story and pleas emove them in their spirit to help. I praise you in advance for the financial blessings that are to come in the month of July. I also pray that people will take the time to pray over my letter with me so that it may reach the right people, in Jesus name I pray. Amen!

I was inspired and motivated by a fellow Tumblr-er to…

ask for donations for school…

The following letter is my story and what I am trying to do if your moved to help me please do! I would greatly appreciate it. Re-blog if you’d like. (The donations button will be on the side of my page)

Good day and God bless you.

            My name is Lakia K. Clayton, I am from Riverside, CA and I have recently been accepted to Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. My concentration is Sociology with a minor in Psychology. TCU is nationally accredited, private and known for its excellence in academics. Being that TCU is accredited, it is government funded and has opportunities such as FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid) and loans, but my family is not financially sound enough to be allotted all those urgently necessary options. The turmoil of the California economy and housing market has adversely affected us. Although both of my parents are working, the amount of money they receive is barely enough to pay bills, rent and keep food on the table. I have searched for job as well, but limited transportation and a lack in local businesses hiring in my area has left me without work.

             I have a little less than 2 months to raise thousands of dollars to oblige not only the cost of tuition, but books, scholastic materials, various school fees and not to mention the very plane ticket to fly me out to Texas. I am asking for any and everyone who may feel moved or led to sponsor me to please do so. In the past 5 years my family and I have faced everything from job loss to the passing of nearly a dozen family members, heart attacks and most recently the foreclosure of our home. These events have truly taught us the very meaning of “That, which doesn’t kill you, will only make you stronger”, and we know that with your help and God on our side we can find the strength to face this next adversity head on. All we’re asking is pocket change; whether it is 50 cents or $50 bucks, anything helps and we would greatly appreciate it.

            If you are truly interested in sponsoring or donating please contact me at the following:


Phone Number: Message Me Please

            Thank you in advance for your prayers, love, consideration and donation. May God continue to bless you!


                                                            Lakia K. Clayton

Prayer published on June 26, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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