Fear, it’s holding me down.
Dear God,
I’m scared of a lot of things. This fear is the reason why, most of the time, I’m reluctant to go out of my comfort zone and just do the things I’m really good at. I’m 18, I know I have so much in store for me if only I can be brave enough to go for it. I get frustrated everytime I let this insecurity of mine hold me down, but then again, I can’t help but worry so much. I guess what I’m really scared of is failure and disappointment. I admire the people who know what they want, and have the guts to go after it. Please help me, and everyone else who feels the same way, to find the courage to use the gifts and talents you’ve given us; and the confidence to trust in our own abilities.
Thank you, Papa God. I trust in You. 🙂