God help me hang on. I like a miracle too.
Thank you healing my baby of her cold and give Chuck comfort for his father’s recent passing.
Sorry I still feel selfish, with my pain
Thank you for Mary Ellen, Delois and Randy’s kind words.
I rubbed too hard yesterday, the holes are bigger. I have a bad tummy ache from the accutane this morning.
Face looks a mess today. I thought evil thoughts about the plp who did this to me. Forgive me and help me with complete forgiveness for Rose. Running out of hope.
I do not understand how Delois can know that i may heal when the damage is too great. Plp do not grow back legs , so how fill in fat loss and holes create by lime light pearl cutrea. Faith is getting harder .
Please get rid of these things, they are bad for humans, new people were recently hurt again by these machines.
Mirror moments were bad. Rub and made it worse. Thank you for limiting my damage so that I can pass at distance but up close I am real mess.
My soul is broken and deteriorating has been for year and 4 months. Seriously, if I do not function it will be bad for my baby and my family. It almost been one month on accutane. You know I though the risks were worth it and that you sanctify through Mr Evan’s broadcast. Please help know what I should do. Make it clear.
I thought of train as pass every hour by my window,co2 and helium again. I am hanging on by thread.
I hate myself for thinking these things and being unhappy about something so petty. When I know there must be others who have it worse and have better attitudes.
Therapists give up when realize it real is skin damage not some other fixable situation.
Please Heal me enough that I can function again. End my test. Help me hang on.
Oh father forgive me, give me enough strength to carry on.
In Jesus Name I beg up you and pray for this which I am unworthy of.