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Heavenly Father,

I need you right now. I ask that you continue to guide me on the path you have set for me, with your Holy Spirit guiding me the entire way. I pray for my friends and family back home, and I ask that your continue to strengthen my relationships and friendships, the ones you know are strong and the ones you know will be there, through the ups and the downs that I may encounter. 

Father, I ask that you send your Holy Spirit to come upon me, to cleanse me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, inwards and outwards the four corners of my body. 

I ask that you continue to watch over me and my family. I ask that as I open a word today, you will bless me with Godly wisdom and help me to understand what you have for me. I ask all of this in your son’s name Jesus Christ.


Prayer published on April 6, 2010 , by an anonymous person

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