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I’m asking for forgiveness

Dear God

Lord, I thank You for keeping me all the days of my life.  You’ve watched over me and steered me clear of so many obstacles that could have hurt me much more than they did.  God, I praise you for for the glory of your grace.  I don’t deserve what You have done for me.  Thank You for guiding me through the confusing trails I chose to walk, and for picking me up each time I fell.  Lord God, I thank You for Your love.  I love You.  I’ve missed the mark countless times and sometimes it seems I am going backwards and walking away from You.  Lord do not let me stray from my walk with You.  Strengthen me, and help me to resist temptation.  Cleanse my mind of unrighteous thoughts, and wash me clean of the impurities left behind by my carnal nature.  Sin no longer has a dominion in my body because You reside in me now. I repent of my sins.  I shift my focus to serving You and doing what is pleasing in Your eyes.  You have saved me from an eternal death by the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Thank You for this amazing display of Your love for all of us.  We are no longer slaves to sin, but we are made new through Your life changing power.  Make me a new creature Lord. Help me to renew my mind, and help me to love as You love.  When I see something that is not of You, do not let me sit and stare but walk away from it or run away if it follows me.  Lord, guide my footsteps to walk only the places where you are the priority.  Do not let me wander to the counsel of the ungodly, or to find a seat in the place of the scornful.  I need You, my life is lost without You.  I can’t resist the temptation of this world on my own.  Reside in me, and take away everything that would come between a closer relationship with You.  I trust in You, and love You with all my soul, heart and mind.  In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

Prayer published on January 20, 2011 , by an anonymous person

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