Prayer Platform & Community

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Dear God..

If I can’t have what I want, let me want what I have. love, Me. (

Dear God,

Please help me to become a good girl, help me to be smart like the other girls in my school, please help me to be a strong and better person . Love v

My God,

please tell me, is she lying to me? she is my best friend, or maybe not, because all she does is lie. lie, and lie, and lie… and she thinks i stupid enough to fall for what ever she is saying. but now, i just really want to know. she might be in trouble right…

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Jesus, You know I love Stephanie… and I know you want me to put her down for now, so I would focus on You again… and also to learn how to really love, and yet to control my emotions, but God, this is so hard, this is the hardest thing I have ever done in…

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Dear God..

It’s me again down here… I just wanna say THANK YOU! For all the things you do and you’ll do for me! You’re infinity more than we think! THANK U, THANK U, THAAAAAAAAANK U. I LOVE U ♥ WITH ALL MY SOUL

Dear God, Your word and your hearts desires will forever be engraved in my soul.. i promise. Your daughter, Sonia.

Dear God:

Dear God, Where do I start? I have so much to say, ask, and tell you. I feel that even though I go to church every Sunday, I feel like I’m still distanced from you. I want to start off saying, Sorry. why? Because I haven’t acted as if I appreciated everything you have done…

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Dear God help me save my house please love jenn

dear god,

its me again. ever since i vented to my bestfriend, i’ve been thinking about commiting suicide. i know, it sounds stupid. but hey, im a highschool teenager and i dont know crap. i’ve been telling myself negative stuff such as, “im not good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough.” i hated this one girl just because…

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