Dear God, I’m pretty sure that You already know what I have in my mind even before I ask. Long before I started college, I wanted to go to Bible school but my mom told me I’m not ready for it. She was right in saying that as I have only begun to fully be…
please give me more strong, Christian friends. I always seem to get close to people that aren’t, and it all breaks down in the end and I just end up feeling hurt. I really just need a group of dependable, mature friends that want Your will to be done. I need someone I can share…
I’m sorry. I’ve broken away from You far too many times. Ever since I was born, I’ve done nothing but break Your heart. I’m sorry. Please help me get back up again.
I’m sorry. I’ve been selfish. I didn’t think of how You’d feel when I turned away from You. Through every aspect of my life, You’ve been there with me through it all, yet all I’ve done is bring pain in your heart. I love you God, and I know You love me too . <3…
I am suffering terribly. My severe anxiety is debilitating and I know I am greatly lacking so much depth in my life because of it. I am constantly worried about everything and anything i have no control over. Medication just isn’t an option for me because I’d like to decode this anxiety organically. God, I…
Dear God, Please protect those whom I can’t protect for so long. Protect those I love and care for in the times I am not there for them. I would feel terrible if no one was there to protect them. Please, protect them.
Ay there buddy… long time no actual talk. I’m sorry for brushing You off all the time and shoving you to the back seat. I’d just like to let You know… that i don’t think it’s cool at all too. And it’s ironic because without You in the passenger seat, i absolutely have no idea …
Dear God, Please watch over my unborn baby and wife, so that they may both live full lives.
I miss you so much. I feel like I’m getting weaker and weaker every day. I feel sooo distant from you compared to what I used to have with you. And that petrifies me and breaks my heart more than anything could. Jesus, I have been asking you over and over again to enter my…
As I am here sitting in my room. Im just thinking about you and only you. I think about the times I just turn my back on you when everything is back to normal in my life. I just run to you when I am in trouble or when I am hurt. I don’t even…