Prayer Platform & Community

2238 prayers have been heard submit yours now

Stop the devils attempts

I need the devil to stop trying to ruin my life and relationships. Stop him from bringing self doubt to me. Bless my relationship with Ivor Cronje

help me help them

Dear God, I pray that you answer my prayer to provide me with the financial answer that the Lakota people of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota desperately need. I cannot fathom how we as a people of the”United States” have allowed the children and the elderly and the people as a whole…

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Dear God, I want to Know you

i want to know You, not just about you I want to know You intimately and follow You closely. I don’t want to miss Your plan. Idon’t want to miss You.find me, God!

Dear God, Please send me my ‘sielsgenoot’ partner

I’ve been involved in numerous dead beat relationships and I pray for the person who will grow with me, learn with me, be grateful with me and understand me.

I see no good in my life

Dear God, I am at the brink of wishing my life to end. My whole life I have dealt with unfairness and difficulties in every area of my life. No matter what I do, how hard I work or how much I try, things have never worked out for me. My family has ruined every…

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Please forgive me

Forgive me for not trusting you. Forgive me for doubting your perfect plan. Forgive me for being terrified and devastated and saddened by your path for my life. Please teach me and guide me through this. And if it be Your will, please change this path You have placed me on, because I am too…

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Please help

Dear God, Thank you for everything you have done for me threw out my entire life. For the times when I should have died but I lived, for the times when I believed I would not make it you gave me the strength to carry on to get over those mountains. Today I pray for…

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Guidance and hope

Dear God, We are drowning in debt and can’t seem to catch our breath. My husband has lost hope that we will ever be financially self sufficient. PleaseFather help us. Give my husband hope. Help our children learn from our mistakes, so they don’t end up in financial trouble like us. Thank you Lord for…

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Not worthy

Dear God You have blessed me with a wonderful wife and 2 beautiful children and I am undeserving of your gifts. I have tried to walk the path of the righteous man and now I find myself alone, unemployed and unable to provide for my family. They deserve better and my pride has left my…

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let me do your will

i feel hopeless and frustrated, just running in circles. please give me a sense of purpose in life and do your will through me.

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