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Dear God please help us to find peace in our lives. Help us with our anxiety and our health Thank you


Dear God, I am sinking further and further into the abyss of confusion, frustration and hopelessness. This is not me and not what you have called upon my life. I need direction, a sign, a whisper, an illuminated path so that I can find my way back into your grace. I’m disconnected and desperately seeing…

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Tuhan tolonglah baca :

Tuhan, terima kasih atas segala bimbingan dan berkat-Mu selama ini, sekarang ini adalah masa-masa sulit saya. Pertama, saya harus melakukan banyak ujian yang saya kurang menguasai bahannya, saya merasa sudah bisa namun ketika diujikan, saya malah tidak bisa. Semoga saya dapat membanggakan ayah saya sehingga ayah saya dapat bangga kepada saya, sekali ini saja. Semoga…

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Forgive me for all my sins

Dear God. I pray for forgiveness. Please continue to give me strength to become the best person I can be. Please direct my path to intersect with those whom I can help and offer assistance and peace to also. May we all gain hope, strength and acquire true companionship to be reminded that we are…

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