Thank You
Dear God,
Thank You for all the blessings you have poured upon me and my family. Thank You, Lord, for always being there for me everyday especially those times when I needed someone. Thank You, Lord, for being there when I thought I was alone. You were there when I needed someone to listen to me. You were there when I needed comfort. You were there when I needed someone to cry on. Before, I didn’t know why those times when I was lost, hurt, and just plainly didn’t know what to do had to happen. But Lord, because of those trials and challenges, I came out a better and stronger person. I realized I was stronger than I thought I was. And You made me realize that. With Your guidance and faith in me, I overcame all those simply because You never let me go. Thank You, Lord, for believing and never giving up on me.
Thank You, for the wonderful people I have in my life, my family, my friends, and everyone I have met and everyone I’m still yet to meet. They made me, make me and will make me who I am. Thank You, Lord, for everything which inspires me and gives me hope online: Tumblr, Tumblr people,, Givesmehope, and just recently Dear God. I pray for the person/s behind this Tumblr, may You bless him/her. I pray for everyone whose hearts had been broken, may You heal their hearts Lord. I pray for everyone who has loved and got hurt, may You help them see that it’s okay and they can love again. I pray for everyone whose hope had been shattered, may You help them see the light. I pray for everyone who has ever thought of giving up, may You help them have the strength to stand up and fight on. I pray, Lord, that everyone’s prayers be granted in Your time.
Thank You Lord for everything. I leave everything in Your hands.
I love You, Lord, always and forever with all my heart.