Why Does God Allow People To Suffer?
The Bible tells us in Revelation 21:4 that there is coming a time when all sorrow, tears, pain and death will pass away. There’s coming a wonderful day when God will wipe away all tears from the eyes of His children, and our sorrow will end forever. Dear reader, I hope you are a Christian, so you too may claim this blessed promise that God has made to those who have come to know Him through His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. There’s a great day coming for those who have been saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
However, for this present time, we must face the undeniable fact that people do suffer. That’s a fact of life. You can find sickness, sorrow, and suffering in all walks of life. It’s everywhere you look. This very moment you can probably think of someone very close to you who is suffering greatly, and it just doesn’t seem fair. Why does God allow it to happen? Does God even care? If God is so good and holy, then why doesn’t He put an end to all suffering and pain? Keep reading, for there is a reason.
Perhaps you are thinking, “Well, what’s the point? What does God accomplish by allowing us to suffer?” Very simple: He’s trying to tell us something. By allowing people to suffer, God is showing us that SOMETHING IS WRONG. If everything were alright between man and God, then there would be no sorrow and death, because in the beginning there was none. God is showing you every day of your life that man has been SEPARATED from Him because of sin, and that man is destined to an eternity in Hell Fire unless he comes to God for help. The fact that God allows suffering and agony today proves that He will allow it in eternity as well.
We suffer and die because of SIN.