Worldly Transgressions
dear lord please forgive my worldly transgressions and humanly shortcomings. I have let my family down and now may lose our first and only home. I can only hope that one day they can forgive me and my short comings and that I can forgive myself. No matter how hard I work everyday its just not enough. I am asking for your help Lord to reach my goal of 4,000.00 to be able to keep our home. Ever since my husband had heart surgery and arterial bypasses in his legs We’ve struggled. I just don’t know how much more I can bare, Lord. Please, help too keep me strong in your faith and strong in your spirit. Please protect all we hold dear. Please keep us all safe, happy, healthy and warm. Help me to create a smile everyday for someone, even if only for a little while. I LOVE YOU,GOD….Heal me Lord and give me the strength to keep trying.