You know the wishes of my heart
Dear God,
Everytime I talk to You, I always say that You know the wishes of my heart. I pray that You may give me guidance and peace. I beg You to please heal my shattered and broken heart. If I can only wish that I will not shed a tear anymore. It’s very painful Lord! I dont know where to go just to find myself. I gave everything for the man I love, and I left nothing for myself. What is your plan for me? Please tell me… If only I could take my heart away from my body, so that I could not feel the pain anymore. Physical pain is much easier to bear than emotional pain. My mind and my heart is exhausted for all the things that is happening to me right now. I am afraid that these things can make my heart as hard as stone. Please guide me. Please allow me to sleep tonight coz i bearly sleep. I beg You Lord!please…please…please…I dont want to cry anymore…I just want to lift everything to You. Because I know that at the end of this dark moment in my life, You will give me a light. Please also enlighten all the persons involve. I ask this in the Holy Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
sharon February 27 - 6:15 am
He loves you darling. You’ll soon be alright. 🙂