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Thank you..

Lord God, thank you for every thing. Thank you for your guidance, blessings and love. Please continue to shower us with your love and wisdom. Please continue to guide us and teach us. Please bless and touch every one in this group, let them know that your love will protect them, your strength will hold them when they are tired and weak. Thank you for holding me. I love you and ultimately respect you. Thank you for my amazing wife and awesome children. Please continue to show me how to keep the faith and hold the line. Thank you… Amen.

faiththank you

Prayer published on March 2, 2015 , by an anonymous person

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  1. Lori Jefferson March 3 - 1:31 pm

    I thank thee in Jesus name for all blessings in recent weeks. I love your prayer and join in with you and for you. May our God bless us all, hear our prayers, give us comfort in our hopes and dreams. I pray with thee, for thee with praise and thanks for always carrying us through the trials. Give us hope in wisdom, let us forgive and love and exemplify what God’s word and plan for our destiny can do. BELIEVE…

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